Lab 25
Research Projects
- Application of probabilistic models to the study of cognitive proceses and to the development of algorithms used in service robots -from 2018-2021, supported by PAPIIT. This project is being developed in collaboration with the Biorobotic Lab, directed by Dr. Savage.
- Methods of teaching mathematical and statistical models of Experimental Psychology -from 2016-2018, supported by PAPIME-PE310016- (See our Website!).
- Adaptative Learning in Dynamic Environments -from 2014-2016, supported by PAPIIT-IN307214-.
- Risky Behaviours: Assessment of Choice Models -from 2012-2016, supported by CONACYT-104396-.
- Villareal, M., Velázquez,C., Baroja, J. L., Segura, A., Bouzas, A. & Lee, M.D. (2019) Bayesian methods applied to the generalized matching law. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (Preprint (PDF)).
- Velazquez, C. Villarreal, M. & Bouzas, A. (2019) Velocity estimation in reinforcement learning. bioRxiv, 432492; Computational Brain & Behavior (Source - Preprint (PDF)).
- Chávez, M. E., Villalobos, E., Baroja, J. L. & Bouzas, A. (2017) Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of intertemporal choice. Judgement and Decision Making, 12(1), 19-28 (PDF).
- Segura, A. & Bouzas, A. (2013) Coordinación en ratas: ajuste de restricciones interdependientes. Revista Colombiana de Psicología 22(2) 321-331 (PDF).
- See the selected articles from the principal researcher of Lab25: Dr. Arturo Bouzas (Click)
- Segura, A & Bouzas, A. (2015) Estructura del Entorno Social, Adaptabilidad y Dinámica Estudios sobre Comportamiento y aplicaciones, (pp. 15-26). Guadalajara, Jal: Ediciones de noche. (PDF)
Conferences and Presentations
- Segura, A. & Bouzas, A. (November 2015) Modelando entornos cooperativos: implementación de un nuevo paradigma. V International Seminar of Behavior and Applications, UNAM - Mexico City. - (PDF).
- Segura, A. & Bouzas, A. (September 2014) Coordinación: Patrones de actos extendidos en el tiempo. 17th Meeting of the International Societay for Comporative Psychology, Bogotá - Columbia.
- Velázquez, C. & Bouzas, A. (July 2018) Velocity of change in the environment in the delta-rule model of reinforcement. 51st Society for Mathematical Psychology & 16th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling Meetings; Madison, Wisconsin - USA. - (PDF).
SINCA VI (VI International Seminar of Behavior and Applications) at Autonomous University of Tlaxcala; Tlaxcala, Mexico.
Symposium: Modelos de adaptabilidad en entornos dinámicos: Estudios sobre detección, preferencias y probabilidad (Models of adaptability to dynamic environments: Studies about detection, preferences and probability).
- Velázquez, C. (November 2017) Predicción en entornos con cambios graduales (Predictions on gradually changing environments) - (PDF).
- Niño, J.M. (November 2017) Transitividad en Ganancias y Pérdidas (Transitivity on Gains and Losses).
- Chávez, A.F. (November 2017) El Efecto Espejo en Percepción: No es otro estudio de Memoria de Reconocimiento (The Mirror Effect within perception: Not another Recognition Memory study) - (PDF).
- Villareal, M. (November 2017) Diseño de Experimentos por Simulación: Un ejemplo en detección de cambios (Optimal experimental design through simmulations: An applied example to change perception).
Symposium: Adaptabilidad del comportamiento a restricciones temporales y probabilísticas (Behavioral adaptability to temporal and probabilistic restrictions).
- Salinas, A., Segura & A., Bouzas, A. (November 2017) Incertidumbre e inversión de preferencias en entornos cooperativos (Uncertainty and preference reversal in cooperative environments).
- Chávez, M., & Bouzas, A. (November 2017) Evaluación de preferencias temporales: contraste entre dos tareas (Assesment of temporal preferences: a comparison between two tasks).
- Villalobos,E. & Bouzas, A. (November 2017) Efectos de intervalo e intransitividad en elección intertemporal y elección bajo riesgo (Interval and intransitivity effects on intertemporal and under risk choice) - (PDF).
- Baroja, J.L. & Bouzas, A. (November 2017) Velocidad de ajuste en ambientes dinámicos (Speed of adjustment to dynamic environments).
SINCA V (V International Seminar of Behavior and Applications) at National Autonomous University of Mexico; Mexico City.
Symposium: Conductas de Riesgo: Evaluación de modelos de Elección (Risky behaviours: assessment of choice models.)
- Symposium introduction - (PDF).
- Camacho, A., Chávez, M., Álvarez, D. & Bouzas, A. (November, 2015) Evaluación de consecuencias y preferencias: su impacto en la predicción de comportamientos de riesgo (Consequences and preferences assesment: their impact on the prediction of risky behaviour ) - (PDF).
- Álvarez, D., Camacho, A., Chávez, M. & Bouzas, A. Impacto de las consecuencias en la incidencia de cuatro comportamientos de riesgo (The impact of the consequences of four risky behaviours ) - (PDF).
- Villalobos, E., Chávez, M. & Bouzas, A. Modelos bayesianos de mezclas para elección intertemporal (Mixture bayesian models on intertemporal choice) - (PDF).
- Chávez, M., Álvarez, D. & Bouzas, A. Impacto de indicadores de toma de decisiones sobre el rendimiento escolar (The impact of decission making indexes on academic performance ) - (PDF).
- Ruíz, N.K., Niño, J.M., Chávez, A.F.. (November 2019) Studies about Framing Effect. Compatibility in Language. At the 40th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgement and Decission Making, Montreal, Canada - (PDF)
- Niño, J.M., Villalobos, E., Villarreal, J, Chávez, A.F., Lira, F. (November 2019) Transitivity in gains and losses. At the 40th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgement and Decission Making, Montreal, Canada -
- Chávez De la Peña, A.F., Lee, M. D. & Bouzas, A. (July 2019) Bayesian Cognitive and Statistical Modeling Applied to Signal Detection Theory and the Mirror Effect in a Perceptual Task At the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Montreal, Canada - (PDF).
- Villarreal, M., Velázquez, C. & Bouzas, A. (July 2019) Choice behavior in dynamic Random-Interval Random-Ratio schedules of reinforcement At the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Montreal, Canada - (PDF).
- Velázquez, C., Villarreal, M. & Bouzas, A. (July 2019) Prediction in the face of gradual and abrupt changes in the environment At the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Montreal, Canada - (PDF).
- Baroja, J. L., Villalobos, E. & Bouzas, A. (November 2018) Pigeon Adaptation to Unsignaled Changes in the Rates of Reward of VI−VI Concurrent Schedules XIX Biennal Meeting of the International Society for Comparative Psychology, Los Angeles, Ca - (PDF).
- Baroja, J. L. & Bouzas, A. (November 2016) Learning to wait: Dynamic Persistence in Uncertain Environments.At the Psychonomic Society's 57th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- Chávez, A. (November 2016) The Mirror effect within perception: Not another recognition memory study. At the Object, Perception, Attention and Memory 24th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- López, A. (November 2016) Estimation of probability in nonstationary Environments. At the 37th Annual Conference for the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- Villalobos, E. & Bouzas, A. (November 2016) Intransitivity in Intertemporal and Risky Choice. At the 37th Annual Conference for the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- Villarreal, M. & Bouzas, A. (November 2016) Transitions in 2x2 zero-sum games. At the 37th Annual Conference for the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- Bouzas, A., Segura, A., Baroja, J. L. & Villarreall, M. (May 2016) Dynamic Choice in Concurrent Random Interval - Random Ratio Schedules. At the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, 39th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois - (PDF).
- Segura, A. & Bouzas, A. (November 2014) Coordination: the Cornerstone for the Cooperation? At the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, 37th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois - (PDF).
- Darío Trujano Ochoa (2013), "La teoría del prospecto en la predicción de estrategias mixtas en un juego 2x2" (Prospect theory on the prediction of mixed strategies in a 2x2 game). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- José Luis Baroja Manzano (2015), "Estudios con el problema de Monty Hall" (Studies on the Monty Hall problem). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Manuel Villareal Ulloa (2017), "Transiciones en juegos 2 x 2" (Transitions on 2x2 games) -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Elena Villalobos Nolasco (2017), "Estudios en Elección Intertemporal" (Studies on intertemporal choice). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Carlos Alan Velázquez Vargas (2018), "Velocidad de cambio del entorno en el modelo clásico de reforzamiento" (Change of speed in the classical model of reinforcement). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Adriana Felisa Chávez De la Peña (2018), "Estudios con Detección de Señales" (Studies on Signal Detection). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Jaime Osvaldo Islas Farías (2018), "Niveles cognitivos y creencias en Juegos" (Cognitive levels and beliefs in games). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Diana Álvarez Bartolo (2019), "Estudio de la variable latente impulsividad: análisis de la definición y medición del constructo" (Studies of the latent variable of impulsivity: analysis of the definition and measurement of the construt). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Adriana López Hernández (2019), "Estimación de probabilidades en ambientes no estacionarios" (Estimation of probabilities in non-stationary environments). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- José Manuel Niño García (2019), "Estudios de Transitidad en Ganancias y Pérdidas" (Studies on Transitivity within Gains and Losses). -B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).